How It All Began

My photography journey was born out of grief. 

In January of 2021, as COVID lockdowns became the global norm, I inherited a Canon 7D from a friend. A week later, my father died. In the midst of the grief and unable to travel back to Ireland for his funeral, me and that camera became inseparable. 

At the time, our curfew in Paris lifted each morning at 6 am and that was my cue to head out and wander the cobbled streets. I had no idea how to shoot with a DSLR and my only objective was to find beauty in a time of brokenness. Looking through the viewfinder gave me a new perspective. The dark mornings and biting cold gave way to sunrises that brought new perspectives with each dawning day. I never really had a destination, I just ambled around and had imaginary conversations with my departed dad. It was a cathartic time and I found healing in a new, artistic way. I never imagined just how much photography would become part of my life in the subsequent years.  

Before photography became my main creative vehicle, I was a writer. I have published  a memoir, written for various magazines and blogs, co-written a YouTuber live show, and had my work featured on Apple News and other global media outlets. In truth, I have missed writing. Hence the birth of this blog. My goal is to write about things that move me. It will be less about gear and more about photographers that inspire me, places I like to shoot, tips on Paris, black and white photography, and everything in between. 

I hope you will join me on this journey and that photography will bring you as much joy as it has brought me.

My first photo. Paris, February 2021